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Rally & Yachting

Since 2006, the Gstaad Yacht Club (GYC) in collaboration with the Gstaad Automobile Club (GAC) has organised an annual classic car rally, combining a car drive highlighting some of the most beautiful roads in Switzerland with remote-controlled model boat sailing.


The registration for the 18th GYC Rally & Yachting is open! 

The event starts on Friday with the registration at the Gstaad Automobile Club in Feutersoey, followed by the nocturnal sailing challenge and dinner. It’s followed by a day of driving on Saturday and finalized with the prize giving dinner in the evening. 

Invitation and Registration HERE

Please RSVP with: [email protected] 

The 2023 Rally & Yachting – When unforgettable Classic Cars encounter mesmerizing roads
 Every year on the 1st weekend of August the Gstaad Yacht Club and its long-time partner, the Gstaad Automobile Club, organize the classic GYC/ GAC Rally & Yachting. This year the event was scheduled for Friday and Saturday 4th and 5th August 2023 and accounted for a record number of registered vehicles, 33 in total, ranging from modern to classic cars impeccably maintained in top-notch condition.

Press Release in English and German HERE